drug n. 1.药,药品,药物,药剂。 2.〔俚语〕麻醉药品,麻醉剂,使人上瘾的毒品 (=narcotic drugs)。 3.〔pl.〕 〔美国〕卫生用品[牙刷、牙膏等]。 4.滞销货。 poisonous drug 毒药。 This drug will do you good. 这种药能治你的病。 the drug habit 常用麻醉剂的习惯,吸毒瘾。 go on drugs 吸毒。 a drug in [〔美国〕 on] the market 滞销货。 vt. (-gg-) 1.在(酒、食物等中)渗(麻醉)药,下(麻醉)药于。 2.使服(麻醉)药,使麻醉。 3.使沉醉;毒化。 a cup of drugged coffee 一杯下了麻药的咖啡。 drugged sleep 服下麻醉药后的熟睡。 She was drugged against the pain. 她服麻醉药止痛。 be drugged with sleep 睡觉太多而昏昏沉沉。 vi. 常用麻药;吸毒上瘾。
safety n. 1.安全;平安,稳安,保险。 2.(枪等的)保险器,安全瓣;〔口语〕低座脚踏车[自行车] (=safety-bicycle)。 3.安全设备,保险装置。 4.【棒球】安全打。 public safety 公安。 safety explosive 安全炸药。 a gun at safety 上了保险的枪。 a safety device [apparatus] 保险装置。 There is safety in numbers. 人多较安全;大家一致行动起来成功的希望较大。 coefficient [factor] of safety 安全系数。 flee for safety 避难。 in safety 平安地。 play for safety 稳扎稳打,谨慎行事。 S- first! 安全第一! Seek safety in flight 避难。 with safety 安全地,平安地。
Current situation and tasks for supervision on drug safety and inspection 药品安全监管工作面临的形势与任务
Accident prevention drug safety 预防意外及药物安全
Mixed regulation : china ' s drugs safety regulation in policy instrument perspective 政策工具视野下的中国药品安全监管
Food and drug safety 食品医药安全
China has launched a series of initiatives aimed at improving food and drug safety 中国推出了一系列旨在提高食品药品安全的举措。
The parallels with the avandia situation are striking , demonstrating the difficulty of trying to assess drug safety issues 类似的文迪雅事件是惊人的,说明评估药品安全是非常困难的。
Methods : through introducing the drug recall system in u . s . , we could get enlightenments from it for our drug safety 方法:通过对美国药品召回制度的介绍,探讨其对我国药品安全的启示。
Therefore , everybody should know more about drug safety , and follow the advice of their doctor or pharmacist while using drugs 所以,市民必须认识药物的效用,及依从医生吩咐或药剂师的指示服药。
Therefore , everybody should know more about drug safety , and follow the advice of their doctor or pharmacist while using drugs 所以,市民必须认识药物的效用,及依从医生吩咐或药剂师的指示服药。
We will carry out extensive campaigns to ensure food safety and fully restore order to the pharmaceuticals market to ensure food and drug safety for the people 大力开展食品安全专项整治,全面整顿药品市场秩序,保障人民群众饮食和用药安全。